This weekend was another ridiculously fun-filled, crazy-busy, awesome weekend!! We headed up to Boulder, Colorado for the half ironman.
((Funny story: we both had planned on doing this race and 'Mr. Sprinkles and Glitter' signed up no problem and then 2 minutes later when I tried to signed up- SOLD OUT! Totally bummed, but it ended up working out.))
Since we had an early flight (5:00am), Frontier Airlines told us we needed to be there
no later than 2.5 hours prior to departure to check in the bike....??! What? We've flown internationally with the bikes and never heard of having to arrive 2.5 hours prior. I called, called again, and called some more- hoping that someone would tell me it was a mistake. After 8 phone calls and everyone at Frontier telling me I needed to be there at 2:30am
at the latest, I gave up and agreed.
We got to the airport at about 2:20am and since it was so close to 2:30, I had 'Mr. Sprinkles and Glitter' drop me off at the door before parking the car, so I could get the bike checked in. Well... that was my plan anyway. I got inside the airport and it was empty- literally no one in there but some construction workers working on a ceiling repair. I got in line at Frontier and they told me that the counter doesn't open until 3:30.
WHAT?!?! I was furious- mainly because I knew that it didn't sound right in the first place. I called Frointer and pointed out the mistake, to which they just said that I was there early and should be OK with the bike getting checked in 1.5 hours before the flight-- instead of the required 2.5 hours.....
Once the counter opened, we spent about 30 seconds checking in and then had to wait 25 minutes for the security line to open up to access the terminal. (This is how you know you are at the airport too early! The people who work at the airport aren't even there yet!)
We finally made it to the gate and I tried to sleep before boarding the plane, but a guy sitting behind us was talking SO loud I think the whole airport could hear him. I now know his entire crews names and what they should be doing on the job and what he expects to be done when he gets back.
Got in the plane. Got off the plane. Rented a car- where the attended who checked us out told us we needed to get married already and asked if he could come to our wedding.
Totally not awkward at all....
Before we made the drive to Boulder (from Denver), we stopped at hipster restaurant and had breakfast.
We made it to the hotel before check in, so 'Mr. Sprinkles and Glitter' put his bike together in the parking lot and took it for a quick spin. By the time he got back, it was time to check in and our friends that we were sharing a room arrived too.
We hung out at the hotel, went to an early happy hour with everyone, and went to bed.
The next day, we went to packet pickup (where all our friends had to wait in a rediculously long check-in line, but since 'Mr. Sprinkles and Glitter' is an "All World Athlete", he had a
special line with no one in it. We laughed thinking there was no way the line was for him- but sure enough it was. We quickly went through packet pick-up and then waited with our friends and went through it again. Haha!
After that, we decided to drive the bike course- it was beyond pretty! The scenery was seriously amazing, but a
TON of rolling hills with lots of climbing. (Kinda glad I'm sitting this one out.... haha!!)
T-swift Bad Blood makes me feel like a gangster |
After we drove the course, I met up with my bonus-mom, aunt, and cousin for dinner. ('Mr. Sprinkles and Glitter' had his usual pre-race meal with out friends and wanted to relax). It was great to see them and catch up!
The next morning was race morning. We woke up really early and headed down to the race start. Traffic was extremely backup and not moving at all, 'Mr. Sprinkles and Glitter' ended up getting out and walking because he was afraid he wasn't going to have enough time before transition closed. -- they never ended up closed transition because everyone was arriving late!
I met up with my family and Caroline and watched the swim start.
Once they were in the water, we tried to walk around but it was such a pain to cross the swim exit we tried to avoid it at all cost and ended up staying in the same spot waiting for them to exit the water. I had my camera and the GoPro trying to video and pictures of everyone- yeah, I looked ridiculous! haha!
After we saw both of them exit the swim, we went to find a good place to set up along the run path since the bike was one (long) 56 mile loop. We hung out for awhile and then rushed over to transition when we saw they were close.
When I saw 'Mr. Sprinkles and Glitter' in transition, I tried to hurry and run back to 'our spot' to let everyone know he was coming and get some pictures.
(Holy moly, it was so hard to run really fast, while cheering athletes on, carrying a big camera and GoPro, running on really uneven dirt, and weaving in and out of people!)
The run was 2 loops of a there-and-back course, so we got to see boys 3 times before we moved to the finish line. Which was awesome! Caroline ran with her husband Jason for a little bit to see how he was doing. He fell coming out of transition and really smashed his knee (we later found out he had a small hairline fracture!! He's a beast!!)
So cute! I love this photo of them! |
At this point, it was HOT! We were all in the shade and still miserable, I can't imagine how the athletes felt. 'Mr. Sprinkles and Glitter' was flying by every time and after we saw him on the start of his second loop we took off for the finish line.
The finish line was packed but we were able to get up to the front by the time he came in.
My lovely camera chooses to focus on the cameraman's hat and not the finisher.... typical! |
We saved our spots and waited for Jason to finish. We could tell his knee was really bothering him but he finished! It was super cute because he came over and gave Caroline a hug and kiss. Adorable!!
After they finished, we got their stuff and headed back to the hotel to shower and find food. So glad to be out of the sun and heat! It was a brutal day out there- and I wasn't even racing!!
Have you ever had problems flying before?
What is your favorite airline?