Sunday, May 26, 2013

The fish fry where I ended up in a sombrero....

So I woke up on the floor this morning to my brother and SIL asking if I wanted to go on a run before the big fish fry. I of course jumped out of bed off the floor (?) and got ready. Once again, it was such a gorgeous run. We ran the same route but went a little further around Fort Lyon. At one point we were running through all the abandon buildings talking about it would be a great place to film a horror movie. (If that doesn't speed your pace up I don't know what will!;)) It was fun to run around and reminisce where we spent so much of our summer as kids. The public pool where we begged our parents to take us every week and the baseball field where we watched fireworks on the fourth of July. It's sad to see it all empty and abandon now.

When we got back, my dad was out in the yard and right when he saw us he asked if I wanted him to take our picture. I haven't even been here 2 full days and he already knows I need a picture of everything I do! Love that guy!

My bonus mom made Scottish Eggs for breakfast. So, so, SO good! I have always been hesitant to try them but since my 4 year old niece tried it I figured I should too. (You know, set a good example.;)) LOVED it and can't wait until I eat one again!

After breakfast we started the looong process of getting everyone showered and ready to go. With 9 people it takes awhile. Once we were all ready we decided to walk the mile down the road to my aunt and uncles house for the fish fry. We go about half way there and my niece got tired. Thankfully my dad decided to drive and drove by us shortly after and we were able to flag him down. I didn't want be rude and turn down a free car ride (plus it was ridiculously hot!) so I hopped in the car and drove the remaining half mile. In that half mile I think our top speed reached 20 miles an hour- but somehow my dad managed to hit a squirrel? Right in front of my aunt and uncles house! He definitely knows how to make an entrance! haha!

Once again, I felt like the whole town was in their kitchen- I don't even know how we all fit! Somehow we managed to get food and find a spot a the table. There were the most amazing rolls ever at this fish fry. I don't know who made them but I need more. I won't say how many I ate but I will say it was more than 4.

Then my cousin Jessica and her husband Damion arrived- you can always tell when they arrive because he walks in with HUGE bags full of chips! He works for Frito Lays and the whole family benefits. I had so much fun catching up with them. At one point my bonus mom asked what it means when you get "poked" on Facebook. We started explaining it to her and the next thing I know I am laughing so hard I'm crying as she is trying think of a name of a western movie about a girl getting poked by a cowboy... turns out it wasn't Debbie Does Dallas and was Lonesome Dove.

The kids had an absolutely blast playing with all the other kids there until they found the piano- then they were in heaven! I've never heard more hands bang on the same piano at the same time! My sister had the bright idea to unplug it and then tell them it was broken. They totally forgot about it until my smart-pants niece realized it was unplugged and plugged it back in. SO funny!

Since the fish fry was technically considered lunch, when we left and got home we couldn't decide what to do for dinner. We all knew we didn't want to cook so we decided to go out to one of the few restaurants in  town- Carmen's! Oh my gosh it was so good! We finished dinner and the next thing I know I'm wearing a sombrero, there is not one but TWO ice cream cakes brought out, and everyone is singing me Happy Birthday!  

Someone besides me couldn't take her eyes off the prize either! ;)
Cake was absolutely delicious and turned everyone's entire mouth blue, the sombrero was a lot heavier than I imagined it, and the singing was hilarious!

After dinner we said good bye in the parking lot and my brother, SIL, and I started the 4 hour trip back to Denver. (Since my flight left at 6am we decided to drive up tonight and sleep at his house so we wouldn't have to wake up at 2am in the morning to leave.)

I'll be back in Sunny AZ tomorrow and there is less than a week until my first 70.3!!

What did you do for Memorial Day? Did anyone else go out of town? 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Quick trip to the big LA!

 A couple weeks ago I got this picture as a text message from my brother with the caption that says "It's official! Now you HAVE to come home for Memorial Day!!"

My brother got ENGAGED!!! I haven't ever met his girlfriend fiance before and a lot of our out-of-state family was already planning a trip to Las Animas, Colorado- where my dad lives for Memorial Day. (It's a really teeny, tiny town with 1 stop light in the whole town.) So I decided to jump on the bandwagon and made a quick weekend trip!

I left Friday after work and flew into Denver where my brother and his fiancé picked me up and we started the 4 hour drive home. We FINALLY got there at 1:30am. Since my sister and her family were sleeping in our old room (and my brother obviously slept in his room) I was the lucky one who got the couch. ;)
We woke up bright and early Saturday morning and had BIG plans! We went on a ride in this bad boy!

Seriously, so much fun! The kids (and adults) LOVED it! When my niece saw the horses outside she ran up to my sister and asked if they brought her boots because she was going to need her boots! haha! My nephew was a little unsure once we actually got in and it actually started moving but he warmed up to it by the end of the ride. ;)

After everyone got a ride we helped our friends load the stage coach and the horses into the trailers. The horses were seriously so cute! She asked me if I wanted to take one of the horses for a ride while they fixed a flat tire- ummmm YES!! The fact that I was wearing shorts and flip flops and didn't have a saddle didn't even phase me. ;) I loved every second of it!

Once we loaded the horses up and they promised to give them both extra oats we headed inside and started cooking lunch/dinner for 50+ people! At one point, I felt like the whole entire town was eating in our kitchen and on our deck! We were packed! But the food was SOO good! After we ate, I forced asked my brother and new SIL to come on a run with me. OMAGAWD! So much fun! My brother downloaded a new APP for me (on my new way-too-smart-iPhone) called 'Map My Fitness' and I was excited to test it out. Plus, I LOVE running with people.

We ran down our road and around Fort Lyon (which is where my bonus mom used to work when it was the VA and then where my dad used to work when it turned into a prison.) and then back home. On our run we saw a bunch of bunnies, a SNAKE!, and a deer- definitely things you don't see in the city. On the last stretch, my SIL (I can call her that even though they just got engaged right?!) asked if I wanted to sprint home. Seriously, is she not the coolest SIL ever?! She not only runs with me but she tries to kill me at the end with a 5:03 sprint pace! LOVE it! If you don't have a SIL- I highly recommend getting one! They are the best! :)

Then, I of course, forced them to take a sweaty picture with me! (I know it looks like we are all talking but we are just still breathing really hard from the last sprint.)

After our run, we went to check out our aunts ranch house where they were staying (and thinking about buying). While we were there, someone threw out the word 'ice cream' and next thing I know my dad was taking orders and making the 15 mile trip to Dairy Queen in town. (Best dad ever!)

When he came back with our massive order, my brother decided to try the ol' 'flip-the-blizzard-upside-down thingy they used to do at DQ when they handed you the blizzard.... ya.... thank gosh he had a lid on it! It didn't work. I'm sure the 15 mile drive back from Dairy Queen had nothing to do with it. ;) ((EDIT:: I have since seen the new Dairy Queen commercials where they are bringing back the blizzard-flip-thing!! I immediately texted my brother and haven't stopped craving a blizzard since!))

Tomorrow we are having a 'family fish fry'! Ya, I'll definitely keep you posted on how that goes!

What's the craziest thing you've ever seen on your runs??                                  

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Tempe International Race Recap!!

Yesterday was the first race I can honestly say I did my best and couldn't have done anything better, it was a great race. Both 'Mr. Sprinkles and Glitter' and I did the race- he did the Sprint and I did the Olympic.

'Mr. Sprinkles and Glitter' and I woke up at 4:30am and started getting ready- which was really him getting ready and me sleeping another 30 minutes. ;)

We left and headed down to the lake and got there about 5:40am. We parked and road our bikes over to the transition area- that's always fun when you have a heavy backpack to carry!

Once we got into transitions we went out separate ways; got set up, body marked, and ready to head down to the start. We met up again by the water and since the Sprint distance was starting first 'Mr. Sprinkles and Glitter' jumped in and did a quick warm-up/practice swim. I was also doing important things like meeting up with some of our friends, eating my banana, and then finally I put on my wet suit. ;)
We were both pumped and ready to go when we found out there was going to be a 45 minute delay. That sucked. We stood around in the already-hot-sun waiting and just thinking of how much hotter it was going to be during the actual race. But there was nothing we could do about it, so we chatted with friends and tried not to think about.

After the long delay, we finally got started. 'Mr. Sprinkles and Glitter' was in one of the first waves so I was able to see him start the swim, finish the swim, and head out on the bike before I started my swim. I was glad I got to see him and cheer him on.

Then it was time for me to jump in the water with the other pink caps. I was so excited and ready for this race I don't think I was that nervous. I made my way to the front of the group and then off we went. I had an AMAZING swim! I felt great the entire time and never felt I was going too fast or too slow. I finished my swim in just under 29 minutes- which I was really happy with.

I quickly got out and made my way up the mountain pathway to the transition area. I got my wet suit off and quickly got going on the bike. About 100 yards into the bike I grabbed one of my water bottles for a drink. When I went to put it back it slipped out and fell to the ground. I mentally threw my hands in the air and said 'eff that water bottle! I don't need it anyway. I have a second one.' Then I looked down and realized it was 'Mr. Sprinkles and Glitter's' Mountain Man water bottle- AKA the water bottle from his favorite race! So I slam on my brakes, pull over, set my bike down against the curb, and go running back to bike up said water bottle. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Lessons learned- don't take water bottles you care about (or think 'Mr.-Sprinkles-and-Glitter-cares-about-only-to-find-out-he-doesn't!) on race day. And in the event that you do drop a water bottle- LEAVE IT! It's not worth stopping and going back for- trust me on this one.
This was seriously me....
Once I was back on the bike everything went smoothly. I held a good pace and felt good. The bike course was 2 large 12 mile loops and when I started my second loop I was looking for 'Mr. Sprinkles and Glitter' thinking he would be done with his race. I didn't see him. :( But one of his good friends David was there and screamed out 'GO KIM!' so loud (and since he was under a bridge it echoed) it was pretty awesome! :)

On the second loop of the bike I tried to push the pace a little more and finish strong. When I got back to the transition area I jumped off my bike and went running in to quickly rack my bike and get going on the run. Once again, I felt a sharp poke on my side! Another bee sting! This time I  almost threw my bike down  tried not to freak out and when I shook out my jersey, I  saw the fuzzy culprit plummet to the ground.  (Anyone else find it strange that I've gone almost 25 years without ever getting stung by a bee and then it happens twice in a 2 week period?! At least I'm facing my fears right?? ;))

Right before the bee incident....
Once the bee was out, I hurried and racked my bike and threw on my running sneakers. I grabbed my bag of tricks shot blocks and headed out to finish the run. As I was leaving transition I finally saw 'Mr. Sprinkles and Glitter' and was so happy!

The run was H.O.T.! At every aid station I grabbed 2 cups of water- 1 to drink and the over to pour over my body to try to stay somewhat cool, but by the time I reached the next aid station I was already dry and hot again. I tried to go at quicker pace and actually felt really good. I never got tired or felt low on energy. The run was also 2 loops, and when I started my second loop- once again, I didn't see 'Mr. Sprinkles and Glitter'- but did see his friend David- who again, was loudly cheering for me. It was so good to see him and have him cheer me on.

I tried to pick up the pace towards the end of my second loop, and was actually surprised at how great I felt. When I was approaching the finish I was full-on sprinting up the same hill mountain we had to run up after the swim start. It was hard but I knew I was almost done. Plus I saw 2 girlfriends on the sidewalk cheering me on!! (They had just finished a 20 mile run and stopped by to see me finish like it was no big deal.) I was so surprised and excited to see them I picked it up even more and when I turned the final corner and literally ran into the finish the line. Last year it was a bit further back and a ways from the final turn but this year it was RIGHT there.

I saw the clock and knew I finished right around 3 hours. Official time was 3:04:48- which is a 26 minute PR for me! I'll take that. ;) After I finished I got my medal and a coozie with Dixie cup half-full of water. Seriously? Seriously. I was dying of thirst and when I asked for more water the volunteers seemed really annoyed. I found 'Mr. Sprinkles and Glitter' and all of our friends. We discussed each others races and then packed up and headed out to get lunch.

After lunch, my mom came over and we headed to fro-yo. You guys...!! My mom has NEVER had fro-yo before today! Can you believe that?! I have failed as her daughter. Don't worry, I told her we would make up for it and go once a week for the next year. ;) She loved it and we will definitely be going back soon.

Can you guess which one is mine?! ;)

 Overall, it was a great day! Super hot but we both had amazing races and couldn't be happier. 

Have you ever been stung by a bee?!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day X's 4!!

Happy Mother's Day to you mothers out there! Hope you all have an amazing day and get to relax a little. :) 

This year for mother's day, my sister, mom, niece and I all went and got our nails done. Then my mom came over for a BBQ for dinner. My niece was SO excited to get her nails done and picked the pink polish with sparklies on top. She absolutely LOVED it!! 

Turns out having a 4-year old take your picture is pretty hard! ;)

I am extremely lucky to not only have 1 amazing mom but 3 extra amazing 'mothers' in my life.

My mom is seriously the best. I know you all have seen a sample of how wonderful she is here on the blog... remember her following me on my 20 mile run in the beach cruiser? (where she thought I could run 10 miles an hour?!) Then there was that time she woke up at 3am to come pick me up and take me to a friends house so we could get in one last training run before it got too hot outside. She is amazing. I know that she would do anything for me and always has. There is never a dull moment with her and she is so much fun to be around. She constantly makes me laugh! I think she's the one who's taught me to laugh at everything and to enjoy life. She's a little out there but she puts 100% into everything she does and has taught me to do the same. She is seriously the bestest!

Then I have my stepmom 'bonus-mom' Brenda. She's been married to my dad for almost 16 years and is one of the most giving/caring people I know. My parents got divorced when I was little and me and my sister used to live with my mom in AZ for the school year and then go out to my dads/'bonus moms' in CO for the summers. Brenda would work all day and then come home and do yard work, garden, help a family member/neighbor with something, and then cook a homemade dinner for our family. Every. Single. Night. Not only that but she would somehow have all the laundry done, the house cleaned, and make breakfast the next morning. She was always doing things for everyone else. Looking back, I don't know how she did/does it all and she never once complained. Not only that, but she has worked her entire life with veterans and devotes everything she has not only to her family but to 'her guys' as she calls them. It's not just a job to her, she really cares about them and treats them as if they were apart of her family. She always makes sure they have what they need and are taken care- just like she does for her family. She amazes me.

Next I have my fairy-godmother/Monkeyhead, Michelle. Technically she is my godmother but she is so great I add the 'fairy' part. ;) She has been my moms best friend since they were in the sixth grade! My mom even gave my sister Michelle as a middle name because of her. (I got my middle name after a dog.... yeah I know. But according to my mom it was a really cool dog.... I don't buy it either.) She works hard and I think I get a lot of my work ethics from her. She has worked extremely hard to get to where she is at today but she also enjoys life and takes some pretty amazing trips and vacations. She's taught me the importance of good credit and to work hard for things that you want. But she's also inspired me to want to travel and see the world. I not only envy her hard work (and good credit) but also her experiences in life. She's been to some pretty cool places and done some pretty cool things.

Lastly, there is my sister. I know she isn't personally MY mom but she is a mom. A damn good mom. We talk on the phone several times throughout the day and she literally cracks me up with the kind of mom that she is. One minute the kids are laughing and playing and the next minute she is shouting that she is going to call 'Mr. Monster' if they don't be nice to each other. She cracks me up! Her kids are not perfect, they run outside in their underwear when I pull up to give me hugs and sometimes their hair/clothes is a little wild.... but they are the sweetest kids. What I love most is how she raises her kids to be so confident and innocent. When I tell my niece she is beautiful she responds with 'I know!'. Not because she thinks she's gorgeous (in her 'jammies with the stain on them), but because my sister tells her daily that she IS beautiful. They don't say they 'can't' do anything because my sister doesn't allow them to and lets them know they CAN do anything. She's the kind of mom I hope to be someday. Love you toots!  
She's either a really bad jumper or a really good bunny! ;)

I am very lucky to have such amazing women in my life. What did you all do for Mother's Day??